Supplemental data of "Prediction of Glycan Structures from Gene Expression Data Based on Glycosyltransferase Reaction"
Bioinformatics, 21, 3976-3982 (2005)

A combined file of all supplemental data except Table S2.
supplement.pdf (2.5MB)

Table S2
Table_S2.txt (104KB)

Separate files
Table S1
The glycosyltransferase reaction library and ID number of an oligonucleotide corresponding glycosyltransferase gene on the CFG microarray.
Table_S1.pdf (24KB)

Table S2
A list of the glycosyltransferase expression profile extracted from the CFG DNA microarray data.
Table_S2.txt (104KB)

Figure S3
The cluster dendrogram (using the correlation coefficient).
Figure_S3.pdf (804KB)

Figure S4
The cluster dendrogram (using the Tanimoto coefficient).
Figure_S4.pdf (768KB)

Figure S5
The accuracy of prediction using the correlate coefficient and the Tanimoto coefficient with penalty score.
Figure_S5.pdf (524KB)

Table S6
A list of expressed glycosyltransferases and thier reaction patterns using human carcinoma U937 cell line.
Table_S6.pdf (20KB)

Figure S7
Predicted glycan structures from gene expression profile of human carcinoma U937 cell line.
Figure_S7.pdf (708KB)